How to make note and coin ATM
1:- Bill acceptor: A device that can identify and accept various denominations of paper currency.
2:- Coin acceptor: A device that can identify and accept various denominations of coins.
3:- Dispenser: A device that can dispense notes or coins.
4:- Microcontroller: A small computer that can control the operation of the ATM.
5:- Display: A screen or other output device that can display information to the user.
6:- Keypad: An input device that allows the user to enter information.
7:- Sensors: Devices that can detect whether the dispenser has enough notes or coins, and whether the user has entered the correct information.
Software components:
User interface: The software that controls the display and keypad to allow the user to interact with the ATM.
Bill and coin recognition: The software that allows the ATM to recognize the denomination of the bills and coins that are inserted.
Currency counting: The software that counts the number of notes or coins that are dispensed.
Transaction management: The software that records each transaction, including the amount of money dispensed and the user's account balance.
Here's some sample code for a simple note and coin dispenser using an Arduino microcontroller:
#include <Servo.h>
Servo noteDispenser; // servo object to control the note dispenser
int notePin = 9; // servo control pin
const int coinPin = A0; // analog input pin for the coin acceptor
int coinValue; // value of the coin inserted
const int buttonPin = 7; // digital input pin for the button
int buttonState = 0; // current state of the button
void setup() {
noteDispenser.attach(notePin); // attach the servo to the control pin
pinMode(coinPin, INPUT); // set the coin pin as an input
pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT); // set the button pin as an input
void loop() {
// wait for user to press button
buttonState = digitalRead(buttonPin);
if (buttonState == HIGH) {
// user has requested a note
noteDispenser.write(90); // move the dispenser arm to release a note
delay(1000); // wait for the note to be dispensed
noteDispenser.write(0); // move the dispenser arm back to its starting position
// check if a coin has been inserted
coinValue = analogRead(coinPin);
if (coinValue >= 500 && coinValue <= 700) {
// coin with value of 10 cents has been inserted
// dispense a note
noteDispenser.write(90); // move the dispenser arm to release a note
delay(1000); // wait for the note to be dispensed
noteDispenser.write(0); // move the dispenser arm back to its starting position
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